Dr Kamlesh Sharma

Associate Professor & Head (Research)

Dr Kamlesh Sharma
  • SAMI Postdoc Fellow, 2010, WITS, Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Research Assistant, 2009, SUNY at Binghamton, NY, USA
  • Postdoc Research Associate, 2007, UIC, Chicago, USA
  • Visiting Scholar, 2007, UW, Madison, USA
  • UP Postdoc Award, 2005 University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Postdoc Investigator, 2003, UNAM, Mexico
  • Senior Research Fellow, CSIR, 2003, New Delhi, India
  • Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, 2003, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central Univ.), New Delhi
  • Total Years of Work Experience 19 Years
    No of Recent Publications 34
    No of Conferences, Seminars & Workshops 20
    Awards (International/National) -

    Dr. Kamlesh Sharma joined SGT University in August 2017 as an Associate Professor. She has 19 years of Academic experience including Teaching and Research. After completing her PhD in Organic Chemistry, from Jamia Millia Islamia, she worked as Postdoctoral Investigator at the National Autonomous University of Mexico at Mexico City, MEXICO. Thereafter, she postdoctoral award from various universities/institution at Abroad, which includes the University of Pretoria (SOUTH AFRICA), University of Illinois at Chicago (USA), State University at New York – Binghamton (USA), WITS University, Johannesburg (SOUTH AFRICA). She was also a visiting scholar at the University of Madison at Madison City (USA). After returning back to India, she is contributing her services to various academic institutions in teaching different courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level such as Organic Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, reagents and rearrangements, Natural Products, Research Methodology, Engineering Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, EVS, etc. She is author of 33 research publications with SCI impacts, 3 patents and the author of 2 books. Dr. Sharma has been recognized among the top 2% of scientists/researchers globally from Stanford University, USA. PLoS Biol 18(10): e3000918. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pbio since 2021

    Teaching Interests

    • Organic Chemistry
    • Research Methodology
    • EVS

    Research Interests

    • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
    • Computational Chemistry / Physical Organic Chemistry
    • Molecules of interest/experience: Heterocyclic compounds
    • Steroids
    • Spiroketals
    • Adenosine

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