HLA from Basics to applications in medicine
Updated on: May 16, 2023
HLA from Basics to applications in medicine
Hands on workshop on HLA from Basics to applications in medicine was organized by Association of Pathology of FMHS on 16th May ,1000 hr onwards. The Hands on Workshop was attended by all the faculty members, PG students and students from the department of Pathology and Microbiology. The seminar was conducted by Dr MN Mishra MD (Path) ESHI Diploma FRCP (H&I) Consultant & In-charge HLA & transplant immunology laboratory Path kind laboratory NRL Gurugram. The workshop was graced by Dr Reena Nayyar (Executive Director), Dr SPS Kochar (Dean FMHS), and all HODs from FMHS.
The workshop was conducted in three parts. The first part was devoted to the basics of HLA & HLA typing. The second part consisted of the application of HLA typing in diagnosis of various diseases and therapeutics. Finally, the speaker demonstrated the various equipment which are used in a modern HLA Laboratory. The session lasted for over 2 hrs. It evoked considerable interest among the audience.